Improve your frame-making workshop by modifying your production equipment in order to apply industrial techniques.
Workshop manager, opticians, technicians, wishing to train or improve their skills in the creation of spectacle frames and derivatives, and wishing to learn specific machining operations.
16 hour training module.
The duration of the course can be adapted to each trainee according to their level of competence and technical practice.
The duration of the course can be adapted to each trainee according to their level of competence and technical practice.
Educational tools
- Training course carried out exclusively by the French Master Craftsmen in eyewear (Meilleurs Ouvriers de France Lunetiers), Maximum 3 trainees per trainer,
- Alternating theoretical, practical and methodological inputs,
- Technical documentation, samples, photos, models of equipment already made,
- Eyewear workshop,
- Supply of various materials and tools,
- The trainee may bring his/her own equipment
Methods of assessing knowledge
Continuous monitoring: trainees will be evaluated on their theoretical knowledge and skills through exercises and practical cases on the implementation of the different steps. Exchanges between trainees and trainer.
At the end of the module: the trainees will self-assess their skills as well as theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in this module with exchanges with the trainer.
At the end of the module: the trainees will self-assess their skills as well as theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in this module with exchanges with the trainer.
- Acquisition of the specific vocabulary used,
- Presentation of photo and video documentsconcerning the techniques of each
production material, - Introduction to turning with exercises applicable to eyewear,
- Introduction to milling with exercises applicable to eyewear,
- Dismantling, overhaul and maintenance of a Paget hand router or a Vaucher panto router belonging to a trainee,
- Approach of the principles of a manufacturing range,
- Awareness of the dimensioning of technical elements and manufacturing tolerances, removing material from the "bridge".
- The trainee will choose from the list of specialities (see document on the next page: "Module 07-2 - List of specialities to be chosen") the techniques that he/she wishes to deal with during the course.
Certificate of training
A document will be issued to trainees on the basis of the skills they have learned at the end of the course.
Training Location
MOF Eyewear School / L’école des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France Lunetiers
8 Rue de l'Industrie - 39400 Hauts de Bienne (Morez) - France
8 Rue de l'Industrie - 39400 Hauts de Bienne (Morez) - France
Cost of the training course
1520€ HT / 1824€ TTC
Dates and fees of our training courses
Download the training schedule
Please register at least one week before the course date.
Please register at least one week before the course date.