Our commitments

Training at the MOF Eyewear School is considered to be vocational training.
A course certificate is provided on completion of each course (validation of the module based on predefined skill grades).
In 2021, the MOF Eyewear School registered its training courses for quality accreditation and has obtained recognition as a QUALIOPI certified training organisation.

Features of these courses:

One MOF trainer for a maximum of three trainees.
An English interpreter for combined courses M01+M02 or for all other courses if at least 3 trainees have registered.
Each trainee is given their own prototyping workbench.
All the specific operations of the profession are represented by a wide variety of tools.

The training includes:

  • the services provided by MOF trainers
  • use of all professional tools in accordance with trainee skills
  • work materials for exercises during the courses
  • follow-up and advice from trainers between each module
  • materials to practice on between modules
  • factory visits (depending on the module)
  • individual insurance.

Post-training follow-up:

Trainees can contact the school for advice and ask technical questions related to the course they have taken.
of trainers are winners of the Eyewear MOF award
attendees trained since the school was founded
2023 satisfaction score


L'école de lunetterie Centre de formation d'excellence par les Meilleurs Ouvriers de France Lunetiers
8 Rue de l'Industrie
39400 MOREZ
Hauts de Bienne
L'école de lunetterie Centre de formation d'excellence par les M.O.F. Lunetiers
N° de déclaration d'activité de formation : 42680207168 - Code NAF : 9420Z / Siret : 52913050200014